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K Lindsay.jpeg

Coach, Consultant, Writer, and Educator

Hi I'm Kimberly, Welcome!

At our creation, God gifted and infused into each of us an inner light. It is the light of reason and understanding. This light is connected to the desire we each have to seek Him out and by which we come to know Him.


We were lovingly and uniquely knit together.  And we have immense worth and value to God, who made us in His image to grow in His likeness.

He patterned our hearts, and He threaded the fibers of our being; thus, we are hard-wired for Him.

God fully revealed Himself to us through the incarnation of His Word, Christ Jesus, and through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, we can have a personal and intimate relationship with Him. 

It is with God that we find our wholeness. 

I am a wife & mother of three.  I am passionate about my loud and silly family. Sitting in my backyard is great, but near the sound of a flowing river is golden - preferably surrounded by aspens and pines.  I love reading and genealogy. My favorite areas of interest are on the Mayflower, The Salem Witch Trials, and The Religious Society of Friends. 

I believe that no 
matter how different we feel and think, we can all interact peacefully.  And I believe that the greatest thing we can do in our life is to walk a Christian life. 

Kimberly Lindsay, BA, CPCC, ORSCC, CPQC, IBCLC


To support you with your inner world, so you can live a dynamic life in your outer world.

Everything you do creates a result in your life.  Are you creating the results you desire?

Love and Conflict Coaching and Consulting:

Love and Conflict takes a powerful stand for kindness, connection, and peaceful communication. In this world, we will not all feel and think the same and thank goodness we don't because variety is the spice of life. However, I know we can each hold kindness, connection, and peaceful communication at the forefront of our lives. 


Love and Conflict is here to help you navigate the transition from couplehood to parenthood. While it is sometimes rocky and definitely life-altering, these days can still be connected, engaged, and thriving. 


As a professional coach specializing in relationships and conflict resolution, board-certified lactation consultant, and childbirth education, you can expect to find support and blogs here on topics such as sustaining healthy relationships, peaceful communication, conflict management, attachment parenting, compassionate bedtime strategies, and lactation support.

The truth that I know for you is that you are Divinely made.  You are worthy and born hard-wired for God. Sometimes in life, we forget that truth about ourselves or we were never taught it.


My foundational training was with the world-renowned Co-Active Training Institute (CPCC), and my advanced training was with CRR Global, in Organization & Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSCC).  I am also a certified coach with Positive Intelligence (CPQC). 


I am an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and retired Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator (LCCE). 


I hold a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree from Southern New Hampshire University with a concentration in psychology and a focus in health science.

My ministry is Christian and honors all the denominations that lead to God.  My grandmother, who was my spiritual leader, modeled for me her Quaker (Religious Society of Friends) values and practices - this is my foundation. I've spent time in multiple houses of worship including, Lutheran, Assembly of God, Southern Baptist, Catholic, and Eastern Orthodox. In my early 20s, I went on a quest to learn more.  That quest led me out of the church for a time to study things like Kabbalah, Reiki, Wicca, and New Thought

I praise God for bringing me back home. 

* The information that I write about here and on social media platforms is for educational purposes only and does not take the place of a proper consult with an IBCLC, midwife, OBGYN, or diagnose, for which you would need to see your primary HCP.

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