To be transparent, I struggle with perfectionism and restlessness. I have been overthinking and avoiding writing again for longer than I can call to mind right now.
A new account, AnnaMaria, how do you make that good and worthy?
Truthfully, I don't know. I just want to bring glory to God. I want my home to be safe, comfy, sweet, and holy. I want my little family to walk in the Way of the Kingdom. I want to be a better wife each day to my darling groom of 20 years and a more gentle and patient mother. I want to be a better image of God each day. I want to be closer to Him.
But the fear of putting thought to paper is not of Him - so leaning in toward Him, I scratch this note. My home life is my love letter to the Lord. May He grant me strength as I stumble on my way.